You lost your what??

This past weekend, a valued TLC (Tough Love Customer) of ours took their family on a relaxing weekend in the North Carolina mountains. They hiked a bit, toured the nearby towns and tasted the local cuisine. It wasn’t until they went river tubing that they made a realization.

As they were slowly floating along the river, they kept bottoming out on the rocks which made someone have to get out to navigate the group to deeper water. Towards the end of the ride, the husband’s hand was wet from all the wading that as he was jumping back in his tube his TOUGH LOVE RING slipped right off into the water. It wasn’t until then that he realized how grateful he was that he wasn’t wearing his actual wedding ring at the time. He was so grateful for TOUGH LOVE RINGS, we just had to send him a replacement.

Don’t risk losing an irreplaceable part of your life. Protect it with TOUGH LOVE RINGS.



